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English abbreviation dictionary - surge


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  (surges, surging, surged) 1. A surge is a sudden large increase in something that has previously been steady, or has only increased or developed slowly. Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation... The anniversary is bound to bring a new surge of interest in Dylan’s work. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N in/of n 2. If something surges, it increases suddenly and greatly, after being steady or developing only slowly. The Freedom Party’s electoral support surged from just under 10 per cent to nearly 17 per cent... Surging imports will add to the demand for hard currency. VERB: V from/to/by amount, V-ing 3. If a crowd of people surge forward, they suddenly move forward together. The photographers and cameramen surged forward. ...the crowd surging out from the church. VERB: V adv/prep, V adv/prep 4. A surge is a sudden powerful movement of a physical force such as wind or water. The whole car shuddered with an almost frightening surge of power... N-COUNT: usu sing with supp, oft N of n 5. If a physical force such as water or electricity surges through something, it moves through it suddenly and powerfully. Thousands of volts surged through his car after he careered into a lamp post, ripping out live wires... VERB: V adv/prep ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~d; surging)  Etymology: earlier, to ride (at anchor) probably in part from Middle French sourgir to cast anchor, land, from Catalan surgir to heave, cast anchor, from Latin ~re to rise, spring up; from sub- up + regere to lead straight; in part from Latin ~re — more at sub-, right  Date: 1511  intransitive verb  1. to rise and fall actively ; toss a ship surging in heavy seas  2. to rise and move in waves or billows ; swell the sea was surging  3. to slip around a windlass, capstan, or bitts — used especially of a rope  4. to rise suddenly to an excessive or abnormal value the stock market ~ed to a record high  5. to move with a ~ or in ~s felt the blood surging into his face — Harry Hervey she ~d past the other runners  transitive verb to let go or slacken gradually (as a rope)  II. noun  Date: 1520  1. a swelling, rolling, or sweeping forward like that of a wave or series of waves a ~ of interest  2.  a. a large wave or billow ; swell  b.  (1) a series of such swells or billows  (2) the resulting elevation of water level  3.  a. a movement (as a slipping or slackening) of a rope or cable  b. a sudden jerk or strain caused by such a movement  4. a transient sudden rise of current or voltage in an electrical circuit ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a sudden or impetuous onset (a surge of anger). 2 the swell of the waves at sea. 3 a heavy forward or upward motion. 4 a rapid increase in price, activity, etc. over a short period. 5 a sudden marked increase in voltage of an electric current. --v.intr. 1 (of waves, the sea, etc.) rise and fall or move heavily forward. 2 (of a crowd etc.) move suddenly and powerfully forwards in large numbers. 3 (of an electric current etc.) increase suddenly. 4 Naut. (of a rope, chain, or windlass) slip back with a jerk. Phrases and idioms surge chamber (or tank) a chamber designed to neutralize sudden changes of pressure in a flow of liquid. Etymology: OF sourdre sourge-, or sorgir f. Cat., f. L surgere rise ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) волна попуска; накат волны; нагон волны 2) всплеск; толчок; бросок; скачок 3) выброс [бросок] тока, экстраток 4) выброс напряжения; перенапряжение 5) быстрое повышение уровня жидкого металла (в изложнице при разливке) 6) строит. тормозная нагрузка 7) гидр. гидравлический удар 8) помпаж 9) рывок (автомобиля) вдоль оси движения 10) мн. ч. неконтролируемые колебания частоты вращения (коленчатого вала двигателя) 11) мор. продольный снос (при качке) 12) радио бегущая волна с крутым фронтом surge in the conduit — гидравлический удар в водоводе - air intake surge - Antarctic ice surge - closing pressure surge - current surge - ebb surge - flood surge - forced surge - hurricane surge - induced voltage surge - induced surge - inductive surge - lightning surge - opening pressure surge - oscillatory surge - power surge - power-canal surge - pressure surge - pulse surge - rejection surge - spilling surge - spindle surge - switching surge - transient surge - typhoon surge - voltage surge - wind-induced surge ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  волна перемещения; волна попуска; паводочная волна гидравлический удар помпаж (турбомашины) back surge fan surge pressure surge storm surge system surge ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  перенапряжение; выброс тока – current surge – edge surge – induced surge – oscillatory surge – pulse surge – starting current surge – switching surge – voltage surge ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) большая волна 2) электр. бросок тока 3) волна 4) волна перенапряжения 5) волна перенапряжения преходящая 6) волна преходящая 7) выброс 8) импульс 9) мембранный 10) пик 11) пульсация скорости 12) пульсировать 13) расходный 14) срыв потока с лопастей 15) уравнительный surge current generator — генератор импульсного тока - cold-air surge - lightning surge - load surge - oscillatory surge - surge absorber - surge bottle - surge capability - surge characteristic - surge tank - surge tower - surge voltage - switching surge - voltage surge ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. подниматься, повышаться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. большая волна; волны the surge of the sea —- волнение на море a surge of anger —- волна гнева a surge of interest —- подъем интереса a surge of pity —- прилив жалости 2. зыбь 3. море 4. резкий скачок; всплеск; выброс 5. колебания атмосферного давления 6. эл. импульс перенапряжения 7. спец. помпаж 8. вздыматься; подниматься и опускаться (о волнах) the waves of the sea surged around him —- вокруг него волновалось (бушевало) море the waves surged higher and higher —- волны вздымались все выше и выше the crowd surged all around him —- вокруг него волновалась толпа 9. мор. испытывать вертикальную качку 10. (на)хлынуть when the wave surged —- когда нахлынула волна from below there surged up the buzz of voices —- снизу (мощной волной) (на)хлынул гул голосов the crowd surged back —- толпа отхлынула the demonstration surged through the streets —- демонстрация мощным шагом прошла по улицам the blood surged to her cheeks —- кровь прилила к ее щекам, кровь бросилась ей в лицо 11. нарастать (о чувстве, звуке и т. п.; также surge up) anger surged (up) within her —- в ней нарастал гнев he felt the desire to burst into tears surging up within him —- он почувствовал, что едва сдерживает слезы 12. мор. травить 13. эл. резко увеличиваться (о напряжении) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) большая волна; волны; a surge of anger - волна гнева  2) poet. море Syn: see wave  2. v.  1) подниматься, вздыматься (тж. surge up); Uncontrollable anger surged up when he saw what had been done.  2) волноваться (о толпе)  3) (на)хлынуть also fig. (тж. surge in); As soon as the pipe was opened, the water surged in.  4) naut. травить - surge forward SURGE forward ринуться вперед ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 1490, "fountain, stream," probably from M.Fr. sourge-, stem of sourdre "to rise, swell," from L. surgere "to rise," contraction of surrigere "to rise," from sub "up from below" + regere "to keep straight, guide." Meaning "high, rolling swell of water" is from 1530; figurative sense of "excited rising up" (as of feelings) is from 1520. The verb is first recorded 1511. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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